Stylish tent-flap curtains provide a tailored, uncluttered
Decorative fabric
and lining for curtains.
Mounting board:
for outside mount, board should extend at least 1” (2.5 cm) on each side of
window frame and be deep enough to clear window by 2” (5 cm). For inside mount,
cut 1” x 2” (2.5 x 5 cm) to fit inside window
tieback holders or two wooden blocks.
Two angle irons
for mounting
Heavy-duty stapler,
- Pin face fabric to lining, right
sides together, and stitch three sides in œ” (1.3 cm) seam, leaving upper
edge open.
- Press one seam allowance back to
make it easier to turn a crisp, sharp edge. Trim seam allowance across
corners. Turn panels right side out, and press.
- Mark finished length across the
top if the panels, making sure that both panels are exactly even and that
end is at perfect right angle to sides.
- Align panel length marking with
front edge of mounting board. Staple panel to board, starting at return.
At corner, make diagonal fold to form a miter. Panels overlap about 1”
(2.5 cm) at center.
- Mount board with angle irons
positioned at edge of window frame.
- Fold the front edges of the panels
back to side edges, and adjust opening. Measure to be sure they are even
on both sides.
7. Hand-tack two layers together, and
finish with decorative or covered button. Or hand-tack ties at front edge and
sides. To maintain projection at sides, attach panel to tieback holder or
wooden block attached to window frame behind ties.
Inside mounting. Cut panels half
the finished width of mounting board, plus 2” (5 cm). Sew as for steps 1 to 3. mount panels on top of board. Fold flap; tack to side of curtain. At side, sew
ring to curtain back; attach to cup hook inside frame.